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Work Desk


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Do you have to do a test after completing the parenting course?

No. We provide feedback to enhance your learning experience, but no tests are required.

Q: What are the signs that I’d benefit from a parenting course?

Agreeing with any of the following statements indicates that you might find a parenting course extremely beneficial:

  • If you feel that parenting is an endless struggle and family life is not very enjoyable.

  • When every approach you try with your children seems to end in arguments, you feel worried, guilty, hopeless or unsupported.

  • When you are keen to learn more about your children, yourself and your family dynamics.

Q: How much time is required to complete the parenting course?

The time required to finish the session each week is approx.: 90 -120 minutes total of 9 sessions. including review.  For more Information on cost please contact us.

Q: will I have to pay for the parenting sessions in one lump sum

Yes: it is a contact agreement that you will have entered into. All 8 weeks + Review will have to be paid in full. For more information on cost please contact us.


Q: What are social skills groups?

Social skills groups are small groups led by an adult who support children how to interact appropriately with others and  their  peer group. These sessions can help children learn conversational, friendship, and problem-solving skills. They can also be useful in teaching children about their emotions and understanding other people’s perspectives.

Q: How do social skills groups work?

The children in the group may have trouble starting a conversation or keeping one going. Or perhaps they don’t understand body language. The group facilitator leads kids through exercises to learn the skills needed to deal with whatever social challenge they’re facing through role-play or by practicing social skills and other identifiable strategies and receive feedback on how they’re doing.

Q: Will my child have to attend all sessions?

Yes: to get the best results it would be beneficial for your child to attend  all sessions as they will miss important  parts of  their social learning from any sessions missed.

Q: What if my child does not want to attend after the first or few sessions?

We would advise that you ensure that this is the right time for your child to attend this type of group sessions and ensure that both you and your child understand what the sessions entail, before committing.



Q: When I am in a crisis can I contact my  Therapist?

Your therapist will be available to you at your scheduled appointment time only. In the case of an emergency you will need to seek other resources. Contact your GP, the Samaritans (call 116 123,, or, if necessary, emergency services.

Q: Will my  Therapeutic sessions be confidential?

Yes, with F.A.C.E all therapeutic  sessions are confidential. The exception would be if you were to pose a danger to yourself or others, in which case the relevant parties would be notified.

Q: What will my therapist do?

Your therapist will take the time to get to know you and give you a chance to ask questions about how we work and the services we can offer. If you decide to come regularly, where possible you will see the same therapist at the same time every week for approx. 50 minutes. We can offer a maximum of 12 -16 sessions, with a review. They will listen carefully to you and encourage you to speak freely and openly about what’s troubling you. They will help deal with your concerns and support you in a non-judgemental way to make your own decisions. Counselling sessions can help you to gain clarity on an issue, change old patterns, untangle complex personal issues, or embark on a journey of self-development.


Q: What if talking about things starts to make it feel worse?

The therapist will talk to you about what led you to counselling, there is no expectation that you go into great detail about the actual events, you can explore the impact those experiences have had and the feelings that have resulted.

Your safety and stability are what is most important and if you are concerned that this may happen the therapist can spend a few sessions to begin with looking at how you manage difficult and overwhelming feelings which then gives you the confidence to be able to talk more openly and in depth.


Q: What can I talk about?
You can talk about anything that is on your mind – counselling is a safe space for you to bring anything you feel you need to discuss or to help you process any difficulties you may be facing.


Q: What is words and pictures?

Words and pictures is undertaken with the parents and the family network to create a version of events that occurred when abuse or harm happened, and the safety plan which has been created, that the children can understand, usually in the form of a kind of story board or comic strip. If you are interested in this piece or work please contact us.


Q: To receive any of our services, do I need to be referred by a doctor or school?

No, you can self refer yourself to receive any of our services. You will need to complete our assessment form.



Q:Does F.A.C.E Offer Therapy  to children over 12yrs 

Our services supports families and children 4 -12 yrs we view case by case individually 12yrs +  Please contact us for more information 


Q: Does F.A.C.E  offer supervised contact  ?

Yes we offer a space for supervised contact (family time visits) : Please contact us for more information


Q: Does F.A.C.E  offer other  services  ?

 Yes depending on individually cases and the service support needed  - Please contact us for more information


If you can't find the answer to what you are looking for, please get in contact with us directly

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